Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another Apostle Visits the MTC

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Halo Keluarga!
Bagaimana kabar anda?
All is well here at the MTC, just workin workin workin... It was funny that yesterday was memorial day, I used to get so excited for it during school but it was not different from any other day this time around... Nonetheless hopefully it was sebuah hari libur yang sangat bagus! haha
Well the highlights of the week arent many... I am suffering from part-timers these days so I have a bit of a hard time remembering last week. Or maybe it is just being busy busy busy all of the time! But we were blessed with the opportunity to hear Elder Nelson speak last tuesday! It was so excellent. He spoke a lot on obedience and the blessings for obedient missionaries both during the mission and after. The thing i liked most from all of it was that he emphasized also a lot on what this Church is founded on, which is our Savior Jesus Christ. He said whenever some one asks what we believe there is a simple 4 word answer to give back, " We follow Jesus Christ". It really is as simple as that.
Well we are just about done speaking english in the classroom/ as a district... which means we will all more than likely have a headache all day because it is a hard thing to do! But it is definitely great practice and I would be a liar if I said I don't love the language, no matter how hard it is to say stuff at times!
Sorry this is a bit of a shorter email, I just dont reallyk now what to say! But we should be getting our travel plans this thursday or friday, so I will be able to let you know next email about calling! Also that means if anyone wants to send me anything they need to make sure it will be here by saturday the 11th, or I won't get it!
saya tahu bahwa Gereja ini adalah benar. Saya tahu Yesus Kristus menderita bagi dosa-dosa kita agar kita dapat menerima pengampunan bagi dosa. Saya tahu pendamaian-Nya satu-satunya cara kita dapat kembali kepada Bapa Surgawi Kita. Saya Tahu bahwa Saya dipanggil oleh Yesus Kristus untuk mengkhotbahkan Injil-Nya!
I love you all,
have a most excellent week!
Sampai nanti,

p.s. I am going to be sending a few things home in a box so be looking for that!

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