Sunday, July 10, 2011

Worst Mom Eh--VER!!!

I am feeling like the worst mom ever. We had been visiting Melissa and family in Houston, I had some sort of virus, and on top of everything we were traveling to San Antonia for a little side trip. WELP, as Kevin would say, I FORGOT to email him! There was also confusion because he said that his Pday was Wednesday but they moved it to Saturday because they were also traveling but that email day would be the same.
Bottom line...I blew it and missed emailing him for the week. I am committed to never letting that happen again! I guess you should "never say never" but I will do my best!
He sounds so good, and HAPPY! Does my heart a lot of good to hear him upbeat and positive. The area he is in sounds interesting too. I can't wait to learn more about it and the experiences he will be having.
I LOVE having a missionary out and appreciate the love I feel from my Heavenly Father that Kevin is in HIS good hands and will be taken care of.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Selamat Siang!
first off happy birthday America!!! Hopefully your fourth of july was most excellent, mine was great. It has been a good week here. we found out the last elders left us with no investigators so that means finding our own! In Manado it is a lot easier to find because we can get away with door to door without complaints. Unfortunately there is a downside- everybody that is Christian wants to talk with us and hear a message but they often dont want to exercise their faith and read, pray and come to our Church. part of the problem is the Church has a poor reputation here because the main church here tells everyone we're false. Soo that scares people often.
The other big problem is that the churches here threaten to kick families out of their church if members of their family continue learning from us. The missionaries before us had to stop teaching two investigators who were ready for baptism because of this. Right now, we have one that is similar to that but it is mostly with her family. Her name is Novita and she is definitely ready to be baptized but doesnt know how to tell her family because they dont want her to join a different church. it is a very tough situation, but hopefully our next meeting will go well with her on Friday.
the Branch here is pretty tiny, there was maybe about 20 to 30 people at Church on Sunday. Very very small. the nice thing about the branch is there are some very strong members under the age of 30, so the future looks good for the branch.
So how are things in Boise?? has it been a hot summer or not too bad yet? Whats the big news on Boise State football thus far?? I guess probably not much yet but usually the news is already full with stuff about that.
Lets see... there was a volcanic eruption on sunday near Manado, so there has been quite a bit of ash in the air and whatnot. It hasnt really been a problem for me though luckily. The air in Manado is so much cleaner than jakarta/bekasi but with the ash it was probably about the same.
this saturday, we are actually having our p day. Wednesday is the real p day but we are going to visit a member that lives way far in a pretty awesome area so we got permission from President to use that as our p-day but still to email on the normal day. It should be pretty cool, I dont know exactly what it is but I am excited. I will probably send home one of the memory cards next week sometime. It will take like 2 or 3 weeks to get there so be lookin for that.
I dont really know what else to write! I love you all and I hope you're having an excellent summer!

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