Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Asian Version of Dave? Who next?!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Howdy Howdy!
First off, sorry my email is a day late, we were travelling most of the day to manado! But we are here safe and sound and I already love it here. It is so much different from bekasi. Ocean, hills, volcanoes, Christians, a little cooler at night.It is pretty funny because there are so many Christians there is seemingly always Christian rock music playing everywhere... it just cracks me up. I have loved it thus far here, and we had zone conference two days ago and everybody said I am super lucky to get to come to manado, so far it has lived up to the hype. My companion is elder marijanto from... I cannot remember right now. It is on jawa though. I am not going to lie to you all, he really looks like the asian version of dave. No joke. At least i think so. He is awesome though. We are actually in a white washed area, he has been serving in manado selatan(south) but we are now in Manado utara(north). So it should be a bit of an adventure the first couple of weeks figuring stuff out here! From the sounds of it this will be my area possibly until Christmas, usually if you serve off of jawa you are there for a while!
So, I am already about 8 pounds lighter over here but it is possibly going to go in reverse because everyone says i will get fed a lot here by members. But luckily i found a new best friend in bekasi- the jump rope. however there isnt one here in manado so i might need to buy one. The other thing i need to buy is some new shoes for running and p-day things because i didnt have room/ weight to bring the pair i brought here. The weight thing is a killer for travel. So is there any chance i could have some money put into my personal account? I am not really sure how much is in there but the shoes will probably only cost like 10 bucks and i am not sure about the jump rope but another elder here said he would go halvsies on it with me.
I am staying healthy for the most part, usually every morning i wake up with a bad stomach ache... just kind of the nature of indonesia, spicy food, and germs i suppose. It was a little different last night/ this morning using a bucket to shower. I definitely enjoyed it though, nothing has woken me up better than a cold bucket of water on my head!
Well I dont really have much more to say except I had kind of a rare experience the other night in bekasi that was a faith builder for me. We had an appointment with a member go a little late, and there was a ton of traffic also which made us very late getting home. However after we got on our last angkut to go home a lady got on, and after about five minutes starting talking to me, and from what i could understand she was very interested in the church, and we were able to get her number and give her a card and what not. I will probably never know what became of it, but it just showed me that the Lord really does prepare people to meet and speak with us! so hopefully something can happen with her.

Oh yeah, the language is starting to get better for me, i would say in another two weeks i should be alright with it all, except they speak a little different language here, bahasa manado, but they also speak bahasa indonesia so i should be fine and i will pick up the manadonese while i am here and hear it.

Welp I hope all is well, it sounds like things are going well for you! Enjoy texas, and i think houston might be a little hotter than here, it is usually around 90-95 degrees and very humid. I love the humidity though and as long as i dont think about it, the heat is good too. Tell hello to trevor and spencer and jack, luke, maddie mia carrie and callie for me!
Love you all!

oh yeah one more thing, a member in bekasi that i got to know while i was there wants a BSU shirt. I was wondering if maybe you could send one to me if you send something for christmas, it doesnt need to be anything special he just really wanted something from idaho!

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